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Tag: US gun owners are not terrorists

Obama: There Are No More Excuses

by on Dec.01, 2015, under US Politics

For the garbage that comes out of your mouth about Americans and America. For someone who is constantly talking about “who we are,” you obviously haven’t a CLUE!

++ Obama In Paris: Mass Shootings Don’t Happen In Other Countries

Where and when did he say this? This week, in Paris. And what was he referencing when he said “mass shootings don’t happen in other countries?” Not Paris. No. He was talking about the shooting this past week in Colorado Springs and once again denigrating the ENTIRE United States – apparently (and purposefully) oblivious that he is standing in the city so recently devastated by a planned attack – including “mass shootings” committed by Islamic terrorists.

There are just no more excuses possible for this president.

First, he’s smack in the middle of a city recently attacked by Islamic extremists – and he refuses to name those (self-acclaimed) terrorists for what and who they are. Second, he’s trying to force Syrian refugees on a US bulging with illegal aliens and with those already allowed to enter who hate our country and our culture.

Third, he’s focused on climate change. Remember when – just a few years back – it was called “global warming?” Well guess what? Scientists debunked the “warming” part of global warming so those making money from this concept – and the complicit media – just changed the name! They’re pretty safe with “climate change” since that would be happening even if there were NO HUMANS on the darn planet!

On whatever ideological planet Obama lives, there is the apparent certainty that terrorist atrocities abroad can be tied to legal gun ownership in the US. Also, if a lone and obviously berserk gunman opens fire on innocent citizens, the other MILLIONS of US gun owners are somehow to blame. This is the true hypocrisy of this administration.

We are told we can not blame all Muslims for the actions of a few. Well tens of thousands of ISIS terrorist are more than a few and I see little to no push-back from the alleged “moderate” Muslims. We are also told that the Syrian refugees Obama is trying to force on US State Governors must be allowed in the US because they are “different” than other Syrians. Obama states this as if he knows it as fact. In reality, he has as little clue about the status and leanings of these Syrian refugees as he has about most American citizens.

But on he proclaims…

In Obama’s mind, if you are a US gun owner, you’re a terrorist. And his comments about “climate change” causing this Middle East uprising are literally laughable. You look like a moron Obama and a puppet for ISIS excuses. What are you hiding with these ridiculous attempts at distraction???

Obama was given 3 minutes for his little speech. He droned on for 14 minutes. Rules apparently don’t apply to Obama and neither does common sense.

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