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Tag: no one is “with” Obama

Obama: Hopeless!

by on Jan.06, 2016, under US Politics

We have soldiers in a very precarious position in Afghanistan:

++ US special operations soldiers trapped in Afghanistan amid firefight

This is news from yesterday – the same day Obama is shedding crocodile tears while making some half-a$$ attempt at gun control.

I’m confused.

I thought, based on the oath US Presidents take, that the “Commander-in-Chief” of the United States is supposed to support and defend the Constitution. This would include the Amendments. You’d also think that the (alleged) Commander-in-Chief of US forces would have the safety of those forces as a high priority.

Obama failed on both of these topics yesterday as he’s failed at so many others in his 7 LONG years in office. Let’s face it, he’s hopeless.

In his spare time, Obama is releasing 17 more KNOWN terrorists from Gitmo. Which ones? We are not allowed to know. Read it again. We are purposefully NOT BEING TOLD which prisoners are being released OR where they are being released. Has Obama forgotten who pays his salary?

And gun control? Who is he kidding? What he said made little sense really. As it often does, it seems Obama just likes being in the spotlight. Most of what I heard will NOT stop gun crimes because the same criminal gun-users who are using them now, will be buying their guns on the black market like they always do. 230 more ATF agents? Well that might be useful, if expensive, except…

Those ATF agents will now be dogging people who are selling a couple guns within their family or their gun club – you know – people who are usually 99% responsible with the guns they have. I think there is a hidden agenda for the new 230 agents – we’ll probably find out soon what that agenda really is.

Obama also wants states to REPORT YOU to the Fed if you are “officially” depressed. I’m not kidding. Who the heck living under the Obama administration is NOT depressed? One day soon though, telling your physician you are depressed may mean that one of those new ATF agents shows up at your door and takes your guns. And part of Obama’s agenda is revealed.

This is Nazi mentality at its worst. And once again, law-abiding citizens that number in the tens of millions, are being hindered and hampered because in the last 7 years, a handful of psychos have committed crimes using guns. Obama lies easily and states that Americans are with him on this subject. Wrong. Only the paid applauders near the podium are with you. Common sense people see that your “ready, shoot, aim” decision-making is making a fool of you yet again – and we, the citizens of this great country, continue to see our lives and our freedoms manipulated and minimized.

I warned at least six months ago that this last year of Obama’s reign will be the most hazardous for US citizens. He’s only just begun…

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