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Tag: No-fly list will be used to “target”

Obama: No Ability to Adapt to “New”

by on Dec.08, 2015, under US Politics

I watched my sister muddle through a decision lately and I had to compare her process to Obama’s.

She had a 12 year-old car that she really loved but it was starting to get a bit “buggy” as cars do if they manage to last this long. She’d already had to make some investment in it in the last 18 months but when it came time for the annual inspection this year – even more bad (and expensive) news was received. This was not in her automotive project plan.

So, she upped her new car process – which she was hoping to put off for another year, and bought a new car – same model but new. In the long run, this makes more sense than throwing more money into something you know is not too far from total replacement. The entire deal started with the inspection news on Monday and ended with a new car in the garage on Friday.

Adjustment to new info made. Plans changed. Problem solved.

I don’t believe President Obama has this capacity for adaption to new info – or if he is even willing to listen to what he doesn’t want to hear. Throw in a little ADHD and we have a not great person to lead this country.

Much has changed under Obama – and not much for the good. It’s just fact. He has not resolved either of the two most significant problems on which he said he would focus: jobs, and the economy. We’re as flatlined now as we were when he took office. That would be bad enough if Obama hadn’t, at the same time, drastically increased our debt load, added thousands of restrictions to our lives, and certainly not kept this country and its citizens safe.

He made his “legacy” Obamacare one of his main tasks. It’s cost American taxpayers BILLIONS and is failing miserably. Obama and his Democratic minions – his minions – not yours – blocked out what was said about the downsides of his plans, and voted it through anyway. After all, we are “too stupid” to figure out that Obamacare is simply wealth distribution and a plan to add millions to Medicaid (free) – which is what has happened – while draining the finances of those whose plans “disappeared.” If Obama was listening to ALL new info, he would have seen this coming. Maybe he did – but his legacy was more important so he did not listen and he did not adapt.

Obama lectured the nation Sunday night. Maybe he’s missing his old days at Harvard. At least he says he was there but he’s sealed his records so we can’t be sure.

Four days after two Moslem terrorists killed (with guns,) 14 Americans attending a Christmas party, Obama shakes his hand at us about gun control. This, while he AND his Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, promise the MOSLEM community that they will prosecute anyone who says nasty things about Moslems.

Really? Talk about putting on your blinders and sticking your fingers in your ears!!

President Obama, you are NOT adapting to actual events and are instead trying to tie your ideology into a spin game to impact the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding US citizens. These were not US citizens who caused this carnage in San Bernadino. They were not members of the NRA. But Obama ignores the facts because they don’t fit his game plan – and first blames the inanimate object, and then purposefully NOT the type of people who abused the inanimate objects to slaughter Americans. We also didn’t hear from Obama how these two people, one of who apparently had communication with terrorist factions, were still walking around the streets!!

He then moved on to the idea that anyone on the government’s “no-fly” list should not be able to buy a gun. Well guess who decides who goes on that list? The GOVERNMENT! James Rosen, a highly respected Washington news correspondent, found himself on the list when he tried to fly overseas to report on a story. How did his name get there? No one could answer! So if the IRS has been proven to target conservatives and since WE CAN ADAPT to new info, would you want yet another government agency to decide whether you belong on the list, number one, and two, accept that THEIR decision to put you on the list, robs you of your right to purchase a gun?

Quick answer – NO! And guess what else? YOUR NAME (and mine,) might be on the list. We wouldn’t know, would we? But we’d find out – maybe when we were ready to board a plane to visit family at Christmastime…

Obama is not the new kid on the block anymore. He’s been president for almost 7 years. But I see little to no adaption, no ability to learn from either new news or mistakes, and no willingness to change from failing policies.

I wish my sister would run for office…

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