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Enemies of America: HIRED!!

by on Dec.04, 2015, under US Politics

I’ll start off by trying to have something nice to say in a world gone completely stupid.

It’s December, not snowing, not icing, and the sun is shining. I’ll take that and call it a win!!!

Now, for all Americans who aren’t doing any or much Christmas shopping this coming weekend OR this year because they are either unemployed or under-employed, here’s a little hidden news story to get your blood boiling:

++ ISIS Czar a Terrorist Sympathizer Once Fired by Obama for Hamas Ties

The White House downplayed the new appointment by burying it deep in a press briefing delivered at a Paris hotel during the recent climate summit. “The President recently elevated Rob Malley, the NSC [National Security Council] Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, to serve now as the Senior Advisor to the President for the Counter-ISIL Campaign in Iraq and Syria,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said during the briefing at the Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel and Conference Center. Before moving onto the next topic Earnest said the president has directed Malley to “support our reinvigorated diplomatic track toward a political transition in Syria…”

Malley has a well-documented history of sympathizing with extremists, which makes this appointment rather outrageous. Judicial Watch wrote about Malley last year when Obama made him the senior director at the NSC even though the president had dumped him as a foreign policy adviser for meeting with and having regular contact with Hamas, long classified a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department. Malley’s family had close ties to Yasser Arafat, founder of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Fatah movement, and Malley was an adviser in Bill Clinton’s White House. He consistently exonerates Palestinians and condemns Israel.

So they sneak this out during Obama’s ridiculous “climate” trip to Paris so WE won’t know they’ve rehired someone already fired BY Obama for having Hamas (terrorist) sympathies. So what message does this send? Obama wants to negotiate with terrorists? This adviser’s promotion of a terrorist organization to a US President is now okay or something??? Not satisfied with ISIS so let’s bring in Hamas too?

No! I’m not making this up! Go to the article and read for yourself. Judicial Watch is one of the FEW organizations that is using our laws to protect us and to get at the truth through all the lies and deceptions of this reprehensible administration.

I’m sorry, but the last thing a passive, inexperienced, and questionable “leader” like Obama needs is THIS adviser – someone who publicly sympathizes with yet another terrorist organization. We have enough terrorism troubles already – in case Obama hasn’t noticed!

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