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Tag: Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Visit to the US

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Visit to the US

by on Mar.02, 2015, under Favorites, US Politics

I am like so many other US citizens who right about now, can’t figure out the “whys” of what is going on with the current administration. But I know I don’t like it.

The Prime Minister of one of our strongest allies, Israel, is in the US to speak to Congress – our citizen representatives, and our president is acting like a stubborn, ill-mannered, 2nd grader. Our VP Biden isn’t attending either, but I doubt Netanyahu cares. Our Secretary of State – who one would THINK has this diplomacy thing down – will also not attend. Obama’s minions such as the unbelievable Susan Rice, have had nasty things to say about Israel’s Prime Minister. President Kennedy treated Khrushchev with more respect.

As a US citizen, and for someone who has a good bit of common sense and a memory – I don’t trust Iran. I don’t trust this “deal” this administration is allegedly working on with them. I haven’t seen ANY deal from this administration that was actually good for America or that made us safer. I am concerned that nothing we hear about it will be the truth or rather ALL of the truth. As I mentioned before, Obama seems more interested in headlines and less cognizant when it comes to the details. Details are important when you are talking about nuclear attack capabilities from a country no one trusts.

Therefore, as someone with a documented and long history dealing with Iran, I want to hear what Netanyahu says. I want to know his concerns. And if he thinks making his statement is important enough to the free world to risk Obama’s whining and a trip to the US to speak his piece, we have a obligation to listen. Whether we agree 100% or not is not the point. But we should be willing to listen since it is in the interest of America’s national security.

Any of the people’s representatives that do not attend should be recalled for being unwilling to do their job. Part of their elected position means they avail themselves of all and any info that is in the interest of our national security. This is a prime example.

I will look forward to the day when this country is again run by adults with actual EXPERIENCE at their jobs. Until then, I expect those in office to DO their jobs for which they are VERY well paid – and listen to America’s ally at least as much as you meet with her sworn enemies.

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