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Obama, Please, No More “Deals!”

by on Aug.18, 2015, under US Politics

Obama administration objects as Russia moves ahead with Iran missile sale

“Obama administration objects…”

Well it’s a bit too late for that. It’s also a bit too late for looking at the details…

Russia, along with the U.S. and others, was a party to the recently struck Iran nuclear agreement, which keeps the arms embargo in place for five more years. A State Department official told Fox News this specific S-300 missile system is not technically prohibited under United Nations sanctions or the nuclear deal. But the department does not want the sale to proceed.

“We certainly object to it,” department spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

Reuters first reported that Iran plans to sign the contract for four of the S-300 Russian missiles as soon as next week.

So while we were footing the bill for months for John Kerry to ride his bike in some of the most expensive capitals in Europe, he apparently forgot to include the S-300 Missile System and now “they” object to this Russian sale. Sorry, but you screwed up again!!

Fellow citizens, the moron pushing for this deal is the same moron who has made so many disastrous decisions for America. And he’s not finished just yet.

We have a horrible and unaccountable Iran deal – that’s good only for Iran. We have Obamacare that is forced on citizens who are penalized for not buying what they don’t want. This administration spent enough promoting Obamacare that they could have given each legal citizen $1 million dollars! And who has Obamacare been good for? Insurance companies and software development firms who received millions to rewrite and then fix again, new code for the Obamacare web site. Last count, only 8 million people have signed up for Obamacare and we have to wonder how many of them are actually citizens.

Obama had some reason for getting buddy-buddy with Castro and Cuba. Why? Is he going to hand over Gitmo? Why is Castro now saying (after being quiet for decades,) that the US owes Cuba money? Really? Does Castro not understand the word “embargo?”

Obama committed billions of US tax dollars to Africa to help with their Ebola crisis. Where did the money go? Where did the Ebola go? I don’t know, but it made a damn good distraction from the Bergdahl deal in which Obama released 5 Taliban high-level terrorists, and allegedly $5 million tax dollars – for a traitor. When we are going to hear the rest of that story is anyone’s guess.

I’ve tried really hard in my life to not make stupid choices. It’s very frustrating to watch my country fall deeper into debt with increased potential risk due to thoughtless decision-making by someone I never voted for.

Come on 2016…

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