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News: Again, It’s ALL Bad…

by on Jul.18, 2015, under US Politics

If you want some additional bad news about the state of the State of California, here you go:

++ Most new California licenses go to drivers in country illegally

The California Department of Motor Vehicles reported it has issued roughly 397,000 licenses to people who live in the country illegally. A total of 759,000 licenses have been issued in the first six months of the year. The DMV only issued 435,000 licenses in the first six months of 2014.

So just a week plus after the death of yet another innocent citizen in San Francisco at the hand of an oft-deported illegal alien, we learn that California just can’t seem to do enough for illegal aliens. Too bad the taxpayers who fund nearly all this crap, will potentially pay an even higher price. And here is a question nearly no one asks:

Why do they provide the California Driver’s Test in over 30 languages? The street signs I have ever seen in this country are only in ONE LANGUAGE – ENGLISH. So if they can’t read enough English to take the test the way WE do, why are we to believe they can read street signs???

This next news piece had me laughing at first – until I realized they are serious!!!

++ Freedom fries no more: Sailors angry after Navy bans fried food

I have to say I agree with this comment:

“This isn’t a Weight Watchers cruise, it’s the goddamn Navy! Does that mean no cakes and desserts, too? Working 18 hours a day on the roof you need carbs to keep you going.If you’re stationed ashore, you can go to the EM or PO clubs or to town and get all the crappy food you want,” wrote user Jeff King.

I was “married to the Navy” for over ten years. I also worked for the Navy for over two years. Between the allowance of transgenders and the lack of ANY fried food, I wonder how this is all going to work out! What’s next? A ban on coffee? Anyone who has had ANY contact with the military will see my point.

And while the Navy is distracted by and focused on fried food…

++ ‘ACTIVE SHOOTER': Last words to girlfriend by Marine murdered by Tenn. gunman

…some of our military personnel are murdered – right here in the good old US of A.

And the shooter? Another “naturalized” citizen. Born in Kuwait, attended a US college, got a US degree, had a father who had been on the FBI watch list, who took trips to Jordan and Yemen, and who worked as an intern a few years ago at the Tennessee Valley Authority, the federally owned utility that operates power plants and dams across the South.

Well that sure doesn’t make ME feel safe and secure! What was this person doing working at the TVA? And why didn’t the FBI pick him up? It appears they do little more than watch people – so all this NSA spying on phone records and social media accounts to profile potential terrorists, does nothing but allow for monitoring? Why was he allowed to even intern at a federally owned utility – particularly one as large as the TVA? I don’t want this psycho monitored – I want him GONE, BEFORE he murders four Marines on US SOIL!!!

I’m sure there is some good news out there somewhere. But lately, by the time I find it, the good news is still overcome by the bad.

Prayers for the families of our US Military members who were killed or injured this week. I hope someone in Washington will maybe realize there is a reason why we call them the “armed forces” and get them back to where they can protect themselves. The world and our country are changing – and if we don’t change with the times we will continue to suffer for it.

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