Rose Cottage Ltd

Real Estate Saturday: March 15, 2014

by on Mar.15, 2014, under Real Estate

Beware the Ides of March! If you haven’t a clue of what that means, here’s the quick answer.

Before Julius Caesar made his fateful last trip to the Senate, a seer standing in the crowd basically told him it was NOT going to be a good day and to turn around and head home. His actual warning was, “Beware the Ides of March” – which was that day, March 15th 44 BC. Caesar either felt invincible or just ignored the warning, and was stabbed to death by Roman Senators not 30 minutes later.

You can read more on that here, but basically, the senate decided Caesar had become a tyrant – making decisions and laws without consulting the senate or the people of Rome. Hmmmm…

There are some things going on in the US right now that are shouting “Beware” to anyone who is paying attention – particularly if you own your own property and even MORE particularly, if you own a larger and/or rural property. Here’s the latest:

Wyoming welder faces $75,000 a day in EPA fines for building pond on his property

I’m not going to rehash the article here but in my opinion, this is just WRONG and part of a very frightening trend. Less than a month ago I wrote to tell you what the EPA was doing regarding the very wood stoves they had “EPA Approved” less than a year before – EPA: Hands Off Your Wood Stove.

But notice that while the EPA is happy to immediately fine this landowner over his pond ON his OWN PROPERTY, the EPA has yet to fine Duke Energy for the massive coal ash spill in North Carolina. This spill was huge, leaking coal ash into the Dan River and polluting water for miles in several directions. The NC Department of Natural Resources has “threatened” fines AND has found out that Duke Energy did NOT have proper permits BEFORE the spill, but nothing has really been done.

So once again, pick on and harass the “little guy” which is you and me – while turning a blind eye to corporations that are doing widespread environmental damage. Just wrong.

I’ve done the work of managing a large pond on a 7-acre property. To keep the pond clear and clean to provide a better environment for both yourself and for wildlife, isn’t cheap and it’s hard work. To have some out-of-control government agency come along and change the permitting requirements mid-stream (pun intended) is just WRONG.

Government agencies, beware, the little people have had enough…

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