Rose Cottage Ltd

Goslings Return – Growing F-A-S-T!

by on May.22, 2012, under Images, Real Estate

Think human babies grow quickly? The lake’s 2012 model goslings have returned for a visit. One group is now 3 weeks old, the other, 4 weeks old. Major changes happen to them at this time of their life.

For a recap…otherwise known as the never-ending “Rose Cottage Goose Chronicles”!

Here is the group of 6 born on their lake nest April 18, 2012. By the time this picture was taken on April 19th, one had already gone missing. You’ll see them again in the third picture. 4 of the original 6 goslings remain.

Goslings - 2 days old - image
Two Days Old

The 3 week old group left for their normal two-week or so walkabout with 4 goslings and returned with only 3. This is a better percentage than last year when the group born on the lake originally had 5 goslings and by the 2 month point, were down to one lone gosling.

Goslings at 3 weeks - image
Three weeks old.

The second group shown below is at the 4 weeks old stage and you can see massive differences between them and those shown above. This group left with 5 geese and returned with 4.

Goslings - 4 weeks old - image
Four weeks old

There are some trying times left for them – turtles, snakes, foxes, and I hear rumors of coyotes and bobcats in the vicinity. Fingers crossed.

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